I love my hot matcha lattes, so so much. Even in this steamy August weather. There is no day too hot for my latte. But there are those times when I want a little boost after practice, and a cool creamy treat seems like just the thing. This simple soft serve (aka smoothie you eat with a spoon) hits the spot without sending me on a coffee bender and subsequent crash. And it makes the dog days of summer just a little more bearable. All hail matcha and frozen bananas!
I used a protein powder I happened to have around, but I don’t have a favorite. Protein powders are so personal. Just choose one you like, sub for straight hemp powder (which is gritty, but very simple with no artificial flavors or stevia) or even sub for a couple of tablespoons of nut butter.
If you prefer a creamy treat that’s not quite as frosty (Ayurveda types I’m looking at you) take out the ice and add avocado to taste. In fact, you can add avocado even if you do use ice, for a thicker texture.
If you prefer a sweeter treat, one juicy medjool date will do the trick, or a teaspoon or two of honey or maple syrup.
Happy blending!
Favorite Matcha Frosty
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A sweet, creamy, frozen treat for a buzz without the crash.
There’s a little something causing a stir over on Instagram lately. Actually, it may not be causing a stir so much as it’s causing some drooling. It’s a chocolate coconut pudding pic from my breakfast the other day and yeah, I was totally a tease. I put it up there and left it there with no way for you to make it. Bad lady. READ MORE >
Can we talk about this whole inspirational healthy living thing? I’m beginning to be annoyed. If I see one more post about how to be better, happier, healthier, wealthier, thinner and more spiritually evolved with “6 easy things you can do today” I will spit.
I understand these posts, and why they’re titled this way. Hell, they get even me to click. But the items are never what I’d think. And if they are, then I’m almost always already doing them.
And I’m not perfectly healthy, wealthy, skinny, evolved and spiritual. Go figure.
Drink lemon water? Don’t eat on the run? Get up early? Schedule in my mat time? Get rid of processed/packaged food? Check, check, check, check and check.
And oh, green juice is the ANSWER. Green juice is the DEVIL. Meat is bad. Meat is good. Plant milks are better. Processed plant milks are the path to destruction with their added emulsifiers. Can you really get to the bottom of it in 6 easy steps?
I tell you what, health does not come in pre-packaged sound bytes. No my friend, health and wellness and spiritual connection are hard. They are not linear and straightforward paths and there is no one answer for everybody. Also, there is no one answer for you at all times in your life. There’s still a lot of mystery to how the human body works, no matter how much we may have learned. And no one has the one, easy perfect answer.
On the other hand, there are some things we know. Real food is better than chemicals. Eating while stressed out isn’t a great idea. Moving your body is important. People who feel loved are healthier.
Ok, there’s somewhere to start. Go hug your husband/wife/dog/child. Stop texting or working on your report while you eat. Take a walk in the lovely spring weather. Oh, and make this smoothie. It’s jam packed with real food. No creepy food coloring, processed sugar or conventional dairy. Also, I didn’t replace the dairy with icky GMO, pesticide rich, mucus producing soy milk, as so many of the vegan shakes do. It’s pretty simple, a spin on my cashew milk, nog and hot chocolate recipes (which you can get by subscribing to updates in the sidebar, or if you’re already subscribed, by contacting me here). And it’s healthy enough to have for breakfast.
This shake is one step closer to a whole foods lifestyle, in a goblet or jar or glass. And it’s delectable. That’s my big idea.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Go drink your greens (and I don’t mean Midori or Jaegermeister).
Clean Green Shamrock Shake
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A healthy spin on the Shamrock Shake with only whole foods. Healthy enough for breakfast!
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Clean Green Shamrock Shake
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A healthy spin on the Shamrock Shake with only whole foods. Healthy enough for breakfast!
I am not perfect. Surprised? Ha. I bet not. I get overwhelmed and behind and lose my love of prepping and cooking food just like everyone else. Sometimes I even let the overwhelm take me off balance.
Can you believe it’s mid October already? I can’t. Or, really, I can, but I’m feeling a little pressure to share some of my awesome fall recipes before the season fades! Also, I feel like I’m missing prime fall time in the woods, but that’s another story.
Life has been pretty busy over here. I’m deep into the Culinary Nutrition program I’ve mentioned and what with cooking, taking pictures, doing research, writing papers, listening to webinars, and trying to keep my various clients happy, I’m a little behind on the blogging!
I come to you today with a smoothie recipe. A long overdue recipe. And even though this may seem funny for fall, it kind of fits…it’s got pumpkin! Not the flesh this time, and no cinnamon or allspice to be found, but the seeds, which are packed with nutrition. READ MORE >
I wanted to write something earth shattering. I wanted to write something insightful and thoughtful. I wanted to write that deep post and shout it to the heavens. And, nothing earth shattering is happening today. And, though I’ve got all kinds of recipes in development, they’re not ready for you yet.. So, here are just a few fun Thursday Things.
This week I’ve been seriously hitting the juice, and today I made one huge juice, having the rare time at home.
In the Mix:
1/4 Fresh Pineapple, cut into chunks
Juice of ½ Lime
Small Bunch Cilantro
½ English Cucumber
1 Whole Head of Romaine
A Handful of BHH Kale
It was yummy! And big. Sipped on it all morning.
On the other hand, it cost me just as much to make as it costs me to buy my favorite Heartbeet Juices at the shala while running between teaching, practicing and the office. Even with the BHH grown kale. Plus, it was messy. Oh well, it was still worth it, to make my own blend.
I also ate this:
It’s awesome. No, I am not really Pitta. I just liked the ingredients listed in it but I love the idea of the bars made specifically to pacify the doshas. Maybe I’ll review all three soon! Meanwhile, I probably need something Vata pacifying today, this post is getting windy.
Later, I got overwhelmed. And I felt like I would cave up, shut down or cry. So I put on the soundtrack to Forrest Gump (Gotta revolution!) and hula hooped. Yes, I am totally a dork. But it was kind of uplifting. I managed not to break any valuables, by the way, but just barely. I highly recommend hula hooping as a silly counterpoint to a serious yoga practice.
And, I tried four superfoods and made the BHH try them too.
I’ve had them all before, mostly in smoothies, and wanted to see what they would be like in cashew milk, as a nice plain base for flavor testing. I loved the Lucuma and instantly made a smoothie out of it. Here’s what the BHH said to the taste test:
Mequite—“I feel like I should be grilling with it.” He’s silly. It tasted yummy and malty to me.
Lucuma—“That’s better, sort of mapely.” Yes, and I added maple to the smoothie for a great maple walnut ice cream type flavor.
Cacao—“It’s almost like chocolate.” ‘Nuff said.
Maca—He didn’t say anything. He made a face and spit it out. Yes, it’s an acquired taste he won’t be trying to acquire. And I think it kind of smells like old feet. Gotta think about what this means for incorporating it in “common man” recipes.
I’m also working on a big post about superfoods in general, mostly ones you can find in the produce aisle (hint, it’s blueberry season!).
What are your favorite “Thursday Things” and what’s up for the weekend?
I’ve had a lot of company in my practice lately. I’ve had a lot of teachers in my practice lately. I’ve had a lot of time for my practice lately. I’ve been pretty lucky.
But this weekend, upstate with the BHH (and enjoying it thoroughly by the way, not to say it’s not a great thing), I found myself facing my mat solo. I got one day with a good friend and some good gab, but then Monday morning rolled around and I found myself thinking “wouldn’t it be nice to just read the paper and drink coffee? So what if I have a 5 day week, right?” READ MORE >
I know many of you are sad to see summer go. Even though it’s still hot many days, September just seems like fall. Back to school, back to full work weeks (are there half day Fridays in the summer anywhere else, or is it just NYC?), back to business as usual.
But although I often miss al fresco dining, the late evening glass of wine on the porch (while it’s still light out), the relaxed feeling that seems to abound, I don’t miss the hot weather. Humidity, bugs, super-hot days, they are not my favorites. No, I’m a fall girl. I love that crisp breeze that just begs for a soft sweater and cozy scarf. I feel energized by the coolish temperatures, and I seem to take more walks. And I still dine al fresco, by the way. Love to breathe that crisp air! Just give me one of those standing heater thingies…
I also happen to love the flavors and spices of fall. Although I’m not a stickler for eating according to the weather—I ate sautéed collards all August and drank cold smoothies throughout last winter, it’s just what I craved—I do like to include seasonal produce, and for fall anyway, I LOVE the flavors and race toward them. Pumpkin? Cinnamon? Ginger? Apples? Bring em on! And don’t stop when Thanksgiving is over. Keep it all coming until I turn into a pumpkin myself!