

Can you hear it in your head? Good. It’s a good blog post if I get a song stuck in your head. Welcome to my world.

I’m writing today as a break from the three other kinds of work and homework going on over here chez Laura. weirdly, I can’t share my recent favorite recipe creations. Since they’re being tested by fellow classmates anonymously, if I post them here I may let the cat out of the bag! You’ll have to wait for that particular deliciousness.

So, as I was creating these delicious and healthy meals and treats, I was standing by the fridge, and what fell out of the sheaf of papers clipped to the side? My first recipe creation. The one that started it all.

IMG_0807Once upon a time, I was new to New York and unemployed and a new wanna-be foodie. While flipping through Food & Wine Magazine I ran across a contest to create a recipe that would be good with coffee using only 5 ingredients. Well, clearly I needed a project because I got right on it. I baked about a gazillion batches of brown sugar meringues with pecans and espresso powder and the BHH and I sampled them, and sat up and vibrated with sugar and caffeine into the wee hours. Ah, those were the sweet oblivious days!

Anyway, astoundingly enough, my Speckled Coffee Kisses won. One day I got a delivery of a bunch of gigantic boxes with $1,000.00 of Black and Decker kitchen tools inside. Every major appliance in their new line. A passion had begun. 

The funny thing looking at this recipe is that while I’m still proud of it, and while I may still make it for some party or other, it is so far from my lifestyle now. It’s not that it’s terrible (unless you’re diabetic), but I wouldn’t want to eat more than one of these speedballs every once in a great while. Looking back at it just points out how far I’ve come in my thinking. And how much things are the same.

When I created this recipe, I was more concerned with calories than with content. More concerned with fat than with whole foods. And more concerned with flavor than with health. What’s different? Well, today I would rather eat plenty of good fats, eat whole foods and not worry about the calories, and I’m still pretty concerned with flavor.  That’s right, I’m passionate about making healthy things taste really really good.

One of my relatives recently asked “why spend so much time and money making a ‘deal’ out of healthy food?” Why not just eat a plate of veggies and leave it at that? Isn’t it frivolous to spend so much time and money on food? And who cares? Good question. It made me re-examine and refine my own thinking.

It’s like this, if I can eat healthy food that tastes amazing or healthy food that tastes like sawdust, I will eat the great tasting version, and I think most people would prefer that. Also, many people would choose bad-for-you food that tastes great over healthy food that tastes like sawdust. And so, to get the most people possible eating healthily, I think it’s important to spread the word that whole, organic, healthy, immune boosting, nutrient dense, energy producing foods can taste even more amazing than all of the processed, fake, unhealthy foods of the world. And, if it takes a little more time to make them, I think the sacrifice of time on social media or watching tv or whatever little habits we all spend our “extra minutes” on might be worth it.

Most of us crave deliciousness, satisfying meals, and at least occasional treats. And I think the great majority of people need to connect to friends and family over holiday meals and weekend dinners and treats from time to time. Although it is also important to be able to enjoy the simple things, our human nature craves colors and flavors and textures and celebration. Wouldn’t it be great if we could indulge those cravings  without “eating away” at our health? I think we can.

Yes, I just went on a rant there. But this is the key point of A Life Delectable. You can have your cake and eat it too, from time to time anyway. And on the days that call for kale instead of cake, well, let’s make that taste amazing too.

My Speckled Coffee Kisses have been sent to the back of the “to make “ file. But that doesn’t mean I won’t make them some time when I have many many people to help eat them.

For now, here’s to eating our way to vibrant health together! Now, tell me, what decadent recipe would you like to healthify?


More Things Beginning With [P]

IMG_0215I wanted to experiment with a very special pumpkin recipe for you. I wanted to practice with Tim Miller last weekend. I wanted to do a [P]anchakarma with Kate O’Donnel and the Boston yogis this week. But I didn’t do any of those things.

For one, I love yoga. I love Tim Miller, but I had to stretch myself in other ways last weekend. There was a workshop in food [P]hotography that was also kind of a “once in a very great while offering” and it’s time I started making those food photos sing! Also, I love the seasonal cleansing of body and spirit to prepare for the new weather and such, but I think my body is pretty cleansed just now, and it just didn’t feel right.

And so, this week I actually stopped to pay attention to what I really needed. As a good friend said to me, in total shock, “I am so f***ing impressed!” Me too.  READ MORE >

Cookie Dough is Health Food

Hello my little kale chips! I’ve missed you, and I know, I’ve been a little light on the blog posting. Sometimes a person needs to take a step back from the digital world. Don’t you think?

Anyway, while I’ve been away, I’ve been cooking more than ever, really connecting with my yoga community, and grooving on the yoga in general. Phew, I feel better.

So here I am in the Outer Banks. Actually, I’m leaving, and I’m really sad.

It’s been a great time. I got to practice and breathe and chant and study, every. single. day. But I’ll tell the truth, I was a bit nervous about it. We all know I’m…specific..about my food and habits, and well, going away to an unfamiliar place, with people I’ve never lived with before, I was bound to have a few jitters.

But here’s the great thing: in a house with a kitchen, I am always at home. The other day, as I was feeling a little windy, a little at loose ends, I decided to make dinner and dessert for the posse, and all of a sudden I was singing (and maybe dancing a little bit, but fortunately no one caught it on camera).

Dessert??? What??? Yes, we are all yogis, we are all trying to be healthy and somewhat moderate. But you know, there’s no use denying it, everyone loves treats! And this brings me to a key point of the A Life Delectable food philosophy: Treat Yourself Whole. You don’t want to punish yourself, but you don’t want your little indulgences to make you feel icky either. Eat delectable things and feel delectable after!

So, I got in the kitchen, and found my happy place, and treated the whole workshop to some chocolate chip cookie dough balls. Whole food. Sweet treats. Serious energy for the Mysore room. And no belly ache after. Score.

These are not my recipe, but I have a fall version in the works and coming as soon as I’m out of this southern humidity. In the meantime, hop on over to one of my favorite blogs, Oh She Glows and try these. You won’t be sorry. And maybe you’ll even have the energy to hold that Catwari.

Thursday Things

I wanted to write something earth shattering. I wanted to write something insightful and thoughtful. I wanted to write that deep post and shout it to the heavens. And, nothing earth shattering is happening today.  And, though I’ve got all kinds of recipes in development, they’re not ready for you yet.. So, here are just a few fun Thursday Things.

This week I’ve been seriously hitting the juice, and today I made one huge juice, having the rare time at home.

photo-33In the Mix:

1/4 Fresh Pineapple, cut into chunks
Juice of ½ Lime
Small Bunch Cilantro
½ English Cucumber
1 Whole Head of Romaine
A Handful of BHH Kale


It was yummy! And big. Sipped on it all morning.

On the other hand, it cost me just as much to make as it costs me to buy my favorite Heartbeet Juices at the shala while running between teaching, practicing and the office. Even with the BHH grown kale. Plus, it was messy. Oh well, it was still worth it, to make my own blend.

I also ate this:photo-36

It’s awesome. No, I am not really Pitta. I just liked the ingredients listed in it but I love the idea of the bars made specifically to pacify the doshas. Maybe I’ll review all three soon! Meanwhile, I probably need something Vata pacifying today, this post is getting windy.

Later, I got overwhelmed. And I felt like I would cave up, shut down or cry. So I put on the soundtrack to Forrest Gump (Gotta revolution!) and hula hooped. Yes, I am totally a dork. But it was kind of uplifting. I managed not to break any valuables, by the way, but just barely. I highly recommend hula hooping as a silly counterpoint to a serious yoga practice.

And, I tried four superfoods and made the BHH try them too.

photo-31photo-32I’ve had them all before, mostly in smoothies, and wanted to see what they would be like in cashew milk, as a nice plain base for flavor testing. I loved the Lucuma and instantly made a smoothie out of it. Here’s what the BHH said to the taste test:

  1. Mequite—“I feel like I should be grilling with it.” He’s silly. It tasted yummy and malty to me.
  2. Lucuma—“That’s better, sort of mapely.” Yes, and I added maple to the smoothie for a great maple walnut ice cream type flavor.
  3. Cacao—“It’s almost like chocolate.” ‘Nuff said.
  4. Maca—He didn’t say anything. He made a face and spit it out. Yes, it’s an acquired taste he won’t be trying to acquire. And I think it kind of smells like old feet. Gotta think about what this means for incorporating it in “common man” recipes.

I’m also working on a big post about superfoods in general, mostly ones you can find in the produce aisle (hint, it’s blueberry season!).

What are your favorite “Thursday Things” and what’s up for the weekend?

Don’t Envy the Dancers

I’ve been struggling to post something, anything, for a little while. It’s not that I have nothing to say, it just felt like I had something big to say, and until I said THAT, I couldn’t say anything.

And so, forgive the long silence. I’ve finally spoken my mind. On Elephant Journal no less.

You can’t know what’s going on inside another practitioner, just to watch them from across the Mysore room. Ashtanga and asana and yoga and life all together are never easy. Some way, you will be forced to face your stuff.”

Intrigued? Find the full article and join the discussion here:

I’d love to hear from you!

Lemons, Love, and A Leap of Faith

Lemon Pie-FinishedI was going to post a well-thought out musing on fear, body image, yoga and growing up. I was also going to book a trip to India. I was going to do a major spring cleaning of my house. But apparently, I was not going to do any of those things this week.

Instead I thought I’d write a fluffy post about birthdays and lemon pie. But more on that later.

I’ve just done something HUGE. For me, that is. I MADE A DECISION. And for those who don’t know me, that’s hard! I can agonize over what’s for dinner, over what to wear, over this word verses that, over a weekend upstate or a weekend on the boat. READ MORE >