I’ve been home for over a week now, and yet I feel like I’ve just landed. For the first bunch of days, I just felt like I wasn’t quite here. My timing was all off. I wasn’t sure what to eat. I felt all floaty, sort of. And, it was delicious. READ MORE
Tag Archives: india
How far would you travel for a hug?
I interrupt this regularly scheduled Indian food post to bring you my thoughts on the perfect hug.
Here I am in Kovalam, India waiting for the taxi to take me to the airport. I’ve been meaning to write this post for about 2 weeks, and I finally have the mental space, here in the wee hours of the morning. Though it feels a little, hmmm, vulnerable, to put it all the way out there on the internet. READ MORE
Picture This–Padma’s Cooking Class
Today we had a lesson in Keralan cooking. 6 yoga students, one chef and one assistant in a tiny Indian kitchen, resulting in the best meal I’ve had yet. Ooof. Good thing it was early. We devoured everything! Uttapam, Dosa, Coconut Chutney, Beet Thoren, Paneer Butter Masala. A feast!
Perfect Meals, Part I
All the food is good here. In the weirdest way. I’m not eating anything that I would normally eat. The things that feel safe and clean and healthy are things I would try to avoid in the US. And yet somehow it works. Maybe even better than at home. READ MORE
Chill Zone
There is a sign I pass every day that says Chill Zone. I’ve never stopped. But I always wonder what goes on there. Do people just magically feel all relaxed? In America it would likely be some weird pod place where you plug yourself into a chair. But here I suspect it’s an ice cream shop. In any case, I love the name. It’s part of what I hoped to do here. Chill. Get the vrittis to stop spinning so fast. Let the extraneous mind chatter go in order to make space for some important stuff. READ MORE
Picture This
Here I Am!
The first thing I thought when I landed in India was “wow, I can’t believe I’m here.” About 2 seconds later was the thought “I want to go home.” Yep, that’s how I roll. A mass of contradictions. READ MORE