A Fall Soup to Ease Summer’s Passing

It’s fall. Yep, I mean, there are still summery days, but fall is in the air. I refuse to wear socks, or boots, yet. But I admit it. I love fall. It’s so awesome to be able to throw on a scarf and walk in the crisp air, it really makes my heart sing. But it’s always a little sad to say goodbye to the easy breezy summer lifestyle. Salads with fresh tomatoes. No need to turn on the stove. Flip flops and a sun dress.

This soup will ease the blow. It’s creamy and comforting and about as fast as a home-cooked meal could be. It may be the easiest soup of all time, and it’s about as delicious as any I can think of. READ MORE >

To Sharath or not to Sharath? That is the question. Or the “Tin Cup.”

The BHH and I have a term we use for things we have a mental block against. We call them a “Tin Cup.” It’s because long ago we had the movie Tin Cup sitting around our house for months on end and couldn’t bring ourselves to watch it. We just thought it was going to be painful and irritating somehow. And when we finally watched it, we liked it a lot. Anyway, any time either one of us doesn’t want to do something, watch something, etc, we say “Is that going to be a Tin Cup?”

So, I haven’t practiced with Sharath Jois in kind of a while. He’s the grandson of Pattabhi Jois, I guess you’d say the founder of ashtanga yoga, and he is the current torch bearer for our tradition. Not only has it been since, oh, 2011, but I don’t have a close relationship with him to begin with. I’ve only had the one trip to Mysore, India, plus a few NYC led classes. And I’ve never really done my full practice with him. Being a nervous, shaky-poodle type, this has led to something of a “tin cup” situation.

The past couple of years when Sharath has been teaching near-ish, it’s been Connecticut. Too far for me to get to easily and work as well. Also, I’ve been out of town when he’s visited, so no decision to be made.

But this year, I found that I would be in town during the “Sharath week.” And not only that, but he is teaching in NYC, close to my teaching and work and home. 

The choice was pretty obvious. I was going to have to get over my “Tin Cup.”

Today was day one. An ‘easy’ day. Primary series only. Not that it’s ever easy in a led class with a mischievous Indian man slowing down the counts at just the hardest moments. But at least it’s a comfortable series. Sweaty good fun. No real “speed bumps” to worry about. And there were long-lost friendly faces from near and far.

We stood for Samastitthi the same way we do in every led class anywhere in the world, and in that traditional comforting way I began to breathe a little easier. Everything felt so familiar. That’s the power of ritual and tradition in action.

Mind, you know it’s a hard class when you get sweaty before the last sun salute, lathered by middle of the series and tired and almost cool before back bending. The whole arc in less than an hour and a half. But the old magic was there. The same way it can always be, in any ashtanga room anywhere, as long as I focus my mind.

I left the room beaming and ravenous and cleansed in body with a slightly quieter monkey mind. Joined friends for a brunch dosa as big as my carryall and headed to work with a spring in my step. Not a bad way to start a Wednesday morning.

Now, to get over the second series hurdle..I may need to quit coffee and invest in some kind of calming herbs for that. But I’m on the track for the week now. There’s no turning back. No way to let it keep being my “Tin Cup.” What a relief.

keep calm shirt

Labor Day Brunch

Pancake with Berries 1Here it is, Labor Day. How did that happen? Last time I looked it was March and 22 degrees and now summer is just about officially over. I will say this though, I’ve loved this summer. It hasn’t been too hot, and so I’ve been able to keep up with my cooking experiments. I’m saving some to bring to you in a new way soon, but couldn’t resist sharing this one right away. It’s just too perfect. If you don’t make it for Labor Day brunch tomorrow, well, you are totally missing out.

The great thing about this is you just put it in the oven, pull it out and serve. It’s like eating pancakes without all that flipping and paying attention business. And those late summer local berries are perfect on top. I dare you not to love it!

Not only that, but it’s not heavy and floury like your normal pancake breakfast. You won’t need a big nap. but it’s ok if you take one anyway…after all, it’s a holiday.

Thanks Noelle Smith for these amazing photos! (she and her daughter loved this by the way and said it was super easy to make which made brunch a breeze). Noelle is an amazing food photographer/stylist. Find her at noellebeesmith.blogspot.ca

Skillet Cake MediumBanana Pecan Skillet Cake
Gluten Free, Grain Free, Dairy Free Optional

Serves 4 (or 3 if one of them is my big hungry husband)

2 Overripe Bananas
4 Eggs
1/4 Cup Coconut Flour
1 Tblsp. Pastured Butter or Coconut Oil plus more for the pan
1 Tblsp. Pure Maple Syrup or Honey
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla
pinch salt
1/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
To Do:
Preheat oven to 400.
Mix all ingredients except nuts well in blender or stand mixer, then stir in nuts.
Mash bananas well then mix in all remaining ingredients.
Grease a 10-inch oven safe skillet with coconut oil or pastured butter.
Pour in batter.
Bake for 20 minutes. Test for doneness then bake another 5 minutes if necessary.
Cake is done when it is firm on top and a toothpick comes out clean.
Serve with pure maple syrup, more bananas, berries or nuts as desired.
Note: you can cook this in a smaller skillet, like an 8 inch. It will be more fluffy and cakey than thin like a pancake and may need to cook a little longer.  I love it both ways!
Pancake with Berries 2

What To Do With Your CSA

Well, here I am in the middle of celebrating my birthday. And while I would love to document it for you, I’m a more “in the moment” person than “write about the moment” person it seems. I’ll have to give you a little recap later.

Meanwhile, a friend wrote and asked what to do about the CSA deliveries that are drowning her right now, and even in the middle of princess-like birthday celebrations, I love nothing more than to share delicious ideas with friends. So, since I suspect loads of you are in the same boat, here are some suggestions. Not recipes, just ideas of what to do. If you have questions, ask me in the comments and I will help! READ MORE >

Going West, in Pictures

Did you miss me? Aww, glad to hear it! I’ve been away and it’s been soul soothing and wonderful, but it’s also nice to be back.

The BHH, delectable Dad and I all took a trip west to visit my brother in Tahoe this week, and wow, it was wonderful. Not being a fabulous photographer, I missed many great shots. We ate some amazing food and drank some amazing wine I just wasn’t able to get right! But here are a few shots that kind of capture the feeling of the trip. READ MORE >

Green Soup

Happy Sunday my sweet petunias! I hope your weekend was fantastic. They pass all too quickly don’t they?

I spent the weekend working, mostly, but I did manage to breath some air, do some yoga, relax (sort of) over a foam roller with candlelight on Friday night. Yeah, that’s how racy I am. Candlelight and a foam roller for a Friday night date. I think I was in bed by 10.

Anyway, I just thought I’d stop in and share an awesome and easy meal I threw together. We’ve been picking zucchini and kale like crazy over here. Seriously, the zucchini are beginning to frighten me.

Huge Zucchini Plus, we had visited the farmer’s market and scored some local leeks and garlic. And OMG we were starving and time-starved. Thank goodness dinner came together in a flash.

We put our Brooklyn blackberries in a bowl as centerpiece, roasted this maitake mushroom…

Mushroom Roast!

…and sat down to an incredible gourmet meal in about 20 minutes. Not too shabby.

You can pair this soup with anything. It’s just the green part. But super delicious and filling and satisfying. And healthy like drinking a green smoothie…only so savory.

Get thee to a farmer’s market and make this pronto! You won’t be sorry.

Very Green Soup

Serves at least 4


2 medium zucchini, halved and sliced
1 bunch kale, torn
2 medium leeks, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
Sea salt to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
Hemp seeds (optional, for sprinkling)

Green Soup MakingDirections:

Add zucchini, leeks, kale and garlic to a large soup pot.

Add 4 cups water to the pot.

Bring to a boil then reduce heat and let simmer about 10 minutes, or until all vegetables are soft.

Ladle most of the broth and about 1/2 of the veggies into a blender and blend until smooth. Return to the soup pot.

Ladle into soup bowls. Drizzle each portion with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.

Optional: top with hemp seeds.

Dive in!

Green Soup 2 I’ve made something similar but added peas to the mix, which make it heartier, and fresh and springy at the same time. I’ve pureed the whole batch and eaten it smooth, but the BHH doesn’t love it that way as much. What I mean to say is, it’s malleable, make it your own. Got spinach instead of kale? Great. Got onions instead of leeks? Go for it! Use the veggies you have on hand. They seem to ‘work out their differences in the pot’ as Ayurveda says about kitchari.

And with that, I am finally turning off my computer until tomorrow morning. Time for a little wind down.

With love and green veggies,



Choosing Raw Book Review

I’m baaaaack, with a review…

I’ve been meaning to review my favorite products, restaurants and sources of information for a long time, but somehow couldn’t find the right place to start. I keep being a perfectionist about it, as in, “I haven’t tried EVERY natural skincare product out there. So how can I make recommendations?!!” Which of course is ridiculous. So I’m going to  share ‘just some stuff I like’ from now on, and I found the perfect place to start. READ MORE >

Smart Snacking For Sports (Plus a Sweet Recipe)

I had a little problem this weekend, and I am so glad it’s Monday so I can get it off my hands. I made these amazing little chocolate bites, and they were just too good. A little addictive. Maybe more than a little. I even froze them in self defense, but it turns out they’re great straight from the freezer. READ MORE >