On the Road Again (Plus, A take-it-to-go recipe)

IMG_0644I’m not one of those people who “just can’t wait to get on the road again.” And yet, I somehow seem to travel A LOT. What’s up with that?

I guess I like to be new places, but going there, preparing, being out of my element, is a little nerve wracking for me. And honestly, one of the reasons is food. Ok, I’ve come a long way, but this is still one of my issues. I need a few sure bets in any traveling food plan, so I can feel free to experiment with local eats for certain parts of my day.
Breakfast is the thing that trips me up most. I am not a toast/cereal/ bakery kind of a girl. I mean, I love a great croissant, and when in  Paris…but in general this stuff doesn’t make me feel good. And, the way I start my day tends to indicate how I’ll go forward. So often I’m more on the green juice/smoothie/fruit plan. These kinds of things are a little hard to predict while traveling!

For a while I remedied this by bringing a travel blender wherever I went, even when flying. My husband was not amused.


Manifesto Musings: Eat Real Food

I think the whole basis of the way I nourish myself is based on this tenet of the Life Delectable Manifesto. And I’ll tell you, it’s not earth shattering, it’s not new, and I definitely didn’t invent it myself, but it is the most important concept you can wrap your mind around when it comes to food.

I think it is probably best explained in Michael Pollan’s books where he says “Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants.” Simple. Makes sense, right?

But as he also says, it gets a little stickier after that. What’s real food?

Ah, there’s the problem. READ MORE >

Suck A Lemon

Good Morning Sunshine! How are you feeling this brand new January day? Are you feeling bright and vibrant and ready for the day and year ahead? Or a little cold and tired and sluggish from holiday indulgences and winter weather?

Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I seem to feel a little of both. I survived the holiday season a little better than usual this year, thanks to an intense dose of pre-holiday yoga, and some steady if not-so-intense practice during the “big two weeks.” But, there’s been stress, there’s been overindulgence this week in particular, and the upshot is I don’t feel quite perfectly on my game.


Emergency Delectable Measure #4: Do What You Gotta Do

So here we are, still in the middle of that crazy wheel of life. Difficult/Stressful/Busy times get thrown at us, and we can’t choose when or what or how long they’ll last. So we took time when the blast hit to pay attention and find a little compassion, move and shake, and nourish ourselves well (you read the last three posts and did your homework , right?). But the truth is, despite our best intentions, sometimes life is so crazy we can’t make it fit into a neat little box, and then what?


Emergency Delectable Measures: Tip 2

Happy Wednesday everyone! Are you being nice to yourself yet? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, see Tip #1 from Sunday.

So now that you’re acknowledging you’re having a hard/stressful/busy time, and starting to be compassionate to yourself, it’s time to take some action. Specifically: GET MOVING. That’s right, I’m telling you to shake your booty.