Summer Lovin’: Massaged Kale Salad

Well, I got that off my chest. And, of course, it’s only one small facet of the issue of yoga and body image and enjoying asana while realizing it’s a tiny piece of the yoga puzzle. Well, I guess that’s what’s wonderful about yoga. There’s always more. I’ll have to post a “retort” to my own post!

But for this beautiful Monday, let’s talk about something a little lighter. Food! I love the summer season. The flavors and colors are so vibrant. Everything is so fresh. The BHH grows an amazing garden and I don’t even have to go shopping to get my greens. READ MORE >

Suck A Lemon

Good Morning Sunshine! How are you feeling this brand new January day? Are you feeling bright and vibrant and ready for the day and year ahead? Or a little cold and tired and sluggish from holiday indulgences and winter weather?

Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I seem to feel a little of both. I survived the holiday season a little better than usual this year, thanks to an intense dose of pre-holiday yoga, and some steady if not-so-intense practice during the “big two weeks.” But, there’s been stress, there’s been overindulgence this week in particular, and the upshot is I don’t feel quite perfectly on my game.


Emergency Delectable Measure #3: Nourish Yourself

Ok, so now you are hopefully being compassionate to your busy/snappy/stressed out self. You’ve gotten sweaty and tried to clear you mind while shaking your booty. You’ve maybe bribed yourself with a moderate treat. Now, it’s time to acknowledge that you have to put some good things into your body in order to feel good enough to make it through this tough time.


Getting on the Mat in a Hurricane (or, The Power of Habit Part I)

Last week we had a hurricane. Anyone notice? Well, I think everyone heard about it, but it may not have been as dramatic for you if you weren’t somewhere in the Northeast of the USA. But wow, it was a lot more dramatic for us here than I think most of us expected. So often, the news stations hype it up before the fact, then whatever “it” is blows through and it’s much ado about nothing. Not. This. Time.

So, my husband and I were pretty lucky. Though we live in a basement right next to the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, we didn’t get flooded. Phew. But still, the damage to NY was extreme, and it disrupted pretty much everyone’s lives here, and will continue to do so. For the first week, there was just no way to travel into the city, to do normal work and leisure activities or see the normal people. In short, all the routines and rituals of our days, small and large, were completely disrupted.

Considering what others were experiencing, all of that was dealable. And yet, when things are topsy turvy, I think it’s pretty important to keep some sort of routine, to keep your nervous system from freaking out and adding to the general sense of distress. In other words, when things are crazy, I get on my mat.


My Favorite Smoothie Of All Time

I know many of you are sad to see summer go. Even though it’s still hot many days, September just seems like fall. Back to school, back to full work weeks (are there half day Fridays in the summer anywhere else, or is it just NYC?), back to business as usual.

But although I often miss al fresco dining, the late evening glass of wine on the porch (while it’s still light out), the relaxed feeling that seems to abound, I don’t miss the hot weather. Humidity, bugs, super-hot days, they are not my favorites. No, I’m a fall girl. I love that crisp breeze that just begs for a soft sweater and cozy scarf. I feel energized by the coolish temperatures, and I seem to take more walks. And I still dine al fresco, by the way. Love to breathe that crisp air! Just give me one of those standing heater thingies…

I also happen to love the flavors and spices of fall. Although I’m not a stickler for eating according to the weather—I ate sautéed collards all August and drank cold smoothies throughout last winter, it’s just what I craved—I do like to include seasonal produce, and for fall anyway, I LOVE the flavors and race toward them. Pumpkin? Cinnamon? Ginger? Apples? Bring em on! And don’t stop when Thanksgiving is over. Keep it all coming until I turn into a pumpkin myself!


“Why do you always write about food?” -Student, to Me

A student of mine asked recently why the whole blog seems to be about food. I laughed a little, then groaned inwardly. I feel like I’m so focused on yoga. And yet, I’m always talking and thinking about food.

Well, in one way the answer is simple. I’m a foodie. I love good food. I love creating it and feeding guests, and eating out and matching it with wine. Ok, I’m attached.

But there is a deeper, more multi-layered answer. When I first began practicing yoga, my teacher said “there is nothing that can affect your practice more than the way you eat.” Ok, maybe that’s not a direct quote. It was something like that. That’s what I heard in my head. And I had a very specific idea in this same befuddled brain of what he meant by that. I immediately set out to be the “Perfect” eater.


A Delectable Birthday-(Hint: Dessert is Key)

I love birthdays! Maybe I’m an overgrown kid (when they tell me to connect with my inner child, it really isn’t hard), maybe I just like to savor life a little bit extra, or maybe I just like to mark the yearly milestones. Whatever the reason, I really enjoy them. For myself and everybody else.

That said, there have been times when a b-day celebration meant my healthy lifestyle went out the window. And fun as it may have been in the moment, that didn’t make me feel so delectable. This year, I got the birthday of my dreams, and left the weekend feeling bright, vibrant and ready to rock the next year of my life.


Yoga buddies for practice

Good friend for breakfast


Time to relax and reflect

Awesome husband/family/even more friends

Great wine, with a smidge of moderation

The perfect healthy yet decadent dessert